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MATEC Web of Conferences

Volume 14 (2014)

EUROSUPERALLOYS 2014 – 2nd European Symposium on Superalloys and their Applications

Giens, France, May 12–16, 2014
J.Y. Guédou and J. Choné (Eds.)

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Session 1: Alloy Development I: Ni-Based Alloys

Session 2: Alloy Development II: Co-Based Alloys

Session 3: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms II: Fatigue, Oxidation and Crack Propagation

Session 4: Mechanical Behavior I: Fatigue

Session 5: Native Defects and Precipitates Evolutions in Single Crystal Alloys

Session 6: Mechanical Behavior II: Single Crystal Alloys

Session 7: Process - Microstructure Interactions

Session 8: Recrystallization and Grain Growth

Session 9: Precipitation

Session 10: Mechanical Behavior III: Polycrystalline Alloys

Posters: Precipitation

Posters: Recrystallisation and Grain Growth

Posters: Process Microstructure Interactions

Posters: Native Defects and Precipitate Evolution in Single Crystals

Posters: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms I: Creep

Posters: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms II: Fatigue, Oxidation, Crack Propagation

Posters: Alloy Development I: Ni Based Alloys

Posters: Alloy Development II: Co Based Alloys

Posters: Mechanical Behavior I: Fatigue

Posters: Mechanical Behavior II: Single-Crystalline Alloys

Posters: Mechanical Behavior III: Polycrystalline Alloys