Open Access Editorial Preface 00001 Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (19.56 KB)
Open Access What is the role of rhenium in single crystal superalloys? 01001 Alessandro Mottura and Roger C. Reed Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (210.2 KB)References
Open Access Compositional effect on TCP phase formation in Ru-containing Ni-based single crystal superalloys 01002 Qianying Shi, Jiajie Huo, Lamei Cao, Jie Li, Xianfei Ding, Yunrong Zheng and Qiang Feng Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (919.6 KB)References
Open Access Development of a new 718-type Ni-Co superalloy family for high temperature applications at 750∘C 01003 Tatiana Fedorova, Joachim Rösler, Jutta Klöwer and Bodo Gehrmann Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.154 MB)References
Open Access Mechanical properties and development of supersolvus heat treated new nickel base superalloy AD730TM 01004 A. Devaux, L. Berglin, L. Thebaud, R. Delattre, C. Crozet and O. Nodin Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.538 MB)References
Open Access Intermetallic eutectic alloys in the Ni-Al-Zr system with attractive high temperature properties 01005 Chandrasekhar Tiwary, Vilas V. Gunjal, Dipankar Banerjee and Kamanio Chattopadhyay Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.353 MB)References
Open Access Dislocations in a Ni-based superalloy during low temperature creep 01006 Catherine Rae, Vassili Vorontsov, Libor Kovarik and Michael Mills Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.533 MB)References
Open Access Vacuum induction melting and vacuum arc remelting of Co-Al-W-X gamma-prime superalloys 02001 Erin T. McDevitt Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (937.8 KB)References
Open Access Factors affecting the corrosion fatigue life in nickel based superalloys for disc applications 03001 Hollie Rosier, Karen Perkins, Andrew Girling, Jonathan Leggett and Grant Gibson Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (932.7 KB)References
Open Access Mechanisms of dwell fatigue crack growth in an advanced nickel disc alloy RR1000 03002 S.Y. Yu, H.Y. Li, M.C. Hardy, S.A. McDonald and P. Bowen Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (689.3 KB)References
Open Access Effect of microstructure refinement on low cycle fatigue behavior of Alloy 718 04001 Shamil Mukhtarov and Farid Utyashev Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.770 MB)References
Open Access Toward a better understanding of strain incompatibilities at grain boundaries in the analysis of fatigue crack initiation at low temperature in the UdimetTM 720 Li superalloy 04002 Baptiste Larrouy, Patrick Villechaise, Jonathan Cormier and Olivier Berteaux Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.303 MB)References
Open Access The effect of minimum dwell cycles on the environmental and fatigue response of RR1000 04003 J.H. O'Hanlon, M.C. Hardy, D.J. Child, B. Foss, P.J. Withers and M.R. Bache Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.105 MB)References
Open Access Oxide-assisted crack growth in hold-time low-cycle-fatigue of single-crystal superalloys 04004 Akane Suzuki, Yan Gao, Don Lipkin, Anjali Singhal, Matthew Krug, Douglas Konitzer, Jonathan Almer, Tresa Pollock and Bernard Bewlay Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (907.2 KB)References
Open Access Microstructural damage evolution in two Ni based superalloys subjected to different mechanical loading conditions through quantitative EBSD measurements using Cross-Court software 05001 E. Vacchieri, A. Costa, S. Parodi and S.R. Holdsworth Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (884.9 KB)References
Open Access Development and application of a new freckle criterion for technical remelting processes 05002 B. Böttger, G.J. Schmitz, F.-J. Wahlers, J. Klöwer, J. Tewes and B. Gehrmann Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (651.7 KB)References
Open Access Origins of misorientation defects in single crystal castings: A time resolved in situ synchrotron X-ray radiography study 05003 J.W. Aveson, G. Reinhart, H. Nguyen-Thi, N. Mangelinck-Noël, N. D'Souza and H.J. Stone Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (855.6 KB)References
Open Access Probing the strain distribution within a single crystal superalloy during high temperature testing 05004 Alain Jacques, Mohamed Biskri, Thomas Schenk, Jean Philippe Chateau Cornu and Pierre Bastie Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (951.5 KB)References
Open Access Thermomechanical fatigue in single crystal superalloys 06001 Johan J. Moverare and Roger C. Reed Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1001 KB)References
Open Access Application of laser ultrasonics to monitor microstructure evolution in Inconel 718 superalloy 07001 Thomas Garcin, Jean-Hubert Schmitt and Matthias Militzer Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (699.0 KB)References
Open Access Solutions for the “difficult-to-deform” wrought superalloys 07002 Zhongnan Bi, Xudong Lv and Ji Zhang Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.391 MB)References
Open Access A study on the effect of composition, and the mechanisms of recrystallisation in single crystal Ni-based superalloys 07003 Harshal N. Mathur, Neil (C.N.) Jones and Catherine M.F. Rae Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.018 MB)References
Open Access Characterization of abnormal grain coarsening in Alloy 718 07004 Richard Watson, Michael Preuss, João Quinta da Fonseca, Thomas Witulski, Gregor Terlinde and Markus Büscher Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (2.981 MB)References
Open Access Tailoring the grain structure of IN718 during selective electron beam melting 08001 Carolin Körner, Harald Helmer, Andreas Bauereiß and Robert F. Singer Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.080 MB)References
Open Access Effect of thermal exposure on microstructure and nano-hardness of broached Inconel 718 08002 Zhe Chen, Ru Lin Peng, Pajazit Avdovic, Jinming Zhou, Johan Moverare, Fredrik Karlsson and Sten Johansson Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.028 MB)References
Open Access Hot isostatic pressing of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys: Mechanism of pore closure and effect on Mechanical properties 08003 Alexander I. Epishin, Thomas Link, Bernard Fedelich, Igor L. Svetlov and Evgeniy R. Golubovskiy Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (569.5 KB)References
Open Access The effect of Ru on precipitation of topologically close packed phases in Re – containing Ni base superalloys: Quantitative FIB-SEM investigation and 3D image modeling 09001 Kamil Matuszewski, Ralf Rettig and Robert F. Singer Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (553.2 KB)References
Open Access On the diffusion mechanisms of fine-scale γ′ in an advanced Ni-based superalloy 09002 Y. Chen, E.M. Francis, M. Preuss and S.J. Haigh Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (394.9 KB)References
Open Access Evolution of secondary phases in alloy ATI 718Plus® during processing 09003 Ana Casanova, Nuria Martín-Piris, Mark Hardy and Catherine Rae Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.570 MB)References
Open Access γ′ precipitation kinetics in the powder metallurgy superalloy N19 and influence of the precipitation latent heat 09004 Mikael Perrut and Didier Locq Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (613.0 KB)References
Open Access Thresholds of time dependent intergranular crack growth in a nickel disc alloy Alloy 720Li 10001 Hangyue Li, Joe Fisk, Lik-Beng Lim, Steve Williams and Paul Bowen Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.083 MB)References
Open Access Thermomechanical behavior of different Ni-base superalloys during cyclic loading at elevated temperatures 10002 Daniel Huber, Matthias Hacksteiner, Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka and Martin Stockinger Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (998.5 KB)References
Open Access Residual stresses in Inconel 718 engine disks 10003 Yoann Dahan, Sebastien Nouveau, Eric Georges and Benjamin Flageolet Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.236 MB)References
Open Access Large scale 3-D phase-field simulation of coarsening in Ni-base superalloys 11001 Mohan Kumar Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo and Ingo Steinbach Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (712.6 KB)References
Open Access High resolution orientation mapping of secondary phases in ATI 718Plus® alloy 11002 Robert Krakow, Mark C. Hardy, Catherine M.F. Rae and Paul A. Midgley Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.060 MB)References
Open Access Numerical simulation of AM1 microstructure 11003 Luc Rougier, Alain Jacot, Charles-André Gandin, Paolo Di Napoli, Damien Ponsen and Virginie Jaquet Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (574.2 KB)References
Open Access Examination of chemical elements partitioning between the γ and γ′ phases in CMSX-4 superalloy using EDS microanalysis and electron tomography 11004 Adam Kruk, Beata Dubiel and Aleksandra Czyrska-Filemonowicz Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.133 MB)References
Open Access Modelling ternary effects on antiphase boundary energy of Ni3Al 11005 K.V. Vamsi and S. Karthikeyan Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (413.9 KB)References
Open Access Misorientation effect of grain boundary on the formation of discontinuous precipitation in second and third generation single crystal superalloys 11006 Zhengrong Yu, Xianfei Ding, Yunrong Zheng, Lamei Cao and Qiang Feng Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.163 MB)References
Open Access Metallurgical optimisation of PM superalloy N19 11007 Didier Locq, Loeïz Nazé, Jean-Michel Franchet, Pierre Caron, Alice Dumont, Alain Köster and Jean-Yves Guédou Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.080 MB)References
Open Access Multipass forging of Inconel 718 in the delta-Supersolvus domain: assessing and modeling microstructure evolution 12001 Meriem Zouari, Roland E. Loge, Oscar Beltran, Sébastien Rousselle and Nathalie Bozzolo Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.154 MB)References
Open Access Prediction of recrystallisation in single crystal nickel-based superalloys during investment casting 12002 Chinnapat Panwisawas, Harshal N. Mathur, Robert W. Broomfield, Duncan Putman, Catherine M.F. Rae and Roger C. Reed Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (703.1 KB)References
Open Access Turbine blades production technique equipment built with a glance of high-gradient directional crystallization process nature 13001 Alexander Echin and Yury Bondarenko Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (443.0 KB)References
Open Access Optimization of the homogenization and hot isostatic pressing heat treatments of a fourth generation single crystal superalloy 13002 Pierre Caron and Catherine Ramusat Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.875 MB)References
Open Access Weldability of HAYNES 282 superalloy after long-term thermal exposure 13003 Jeremy Caron and Lee Pike Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.362 MB)References
Open Access Effect of solidification parameters on the secondary dendrite arm spacing in MAR M-247 superalloy determined by a novel approach 13004 S. Milenkovic, M. Rahimian, I. Sabirov and L. Maestro Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (754.0 KB)References
Open Access Dissolution kinetics and morphological changes of γ′ in AD730TM superalloy 13005 F. Masoumi, M. Jahazi, J. Cormier and D. Shahriari Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (762.5 KB)References
Open Access Weldability of the superalloys Haynes 188 and Hastelloy X by Nd:YAG 13006 Jérémie Graneix, Jean-Denis Beguin, François Pardheillan, Joël Alexis and Talal Masri Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.262 MB)References
Open Access Removal of casting defects from CMSX-4® and CMSX-10® alloys by electropolishing in a novel electrolyte; Deep Eutectic Solvent 13007 Neil Dsouza, Matthew Appleton, Andrew Ballantyne, Amy Cook, Robert Harris and Karl S. Ryder Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.193 MB)References
Open Access Effect of carbon on wettability and interface reaction between melt superalloy and ceramic material 13008 Xiaoyan Chen, Yizhou Zhou, Tao Jin and Xiaofeng Sun Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.012 MB)References
Open Access Effect of the cooling rate during heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure of a SX Ni-superalloy 13009 Inmaculada Lopez-Galilea, Stephan Huth and Werner Theisen Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.670 MB)References
Open Access The role of particle ripening on the creep acceleration of Nimonic 263 superalloy 14001 Giuliano Angella, Riccardo Donnini, Dario Ripamonti and Maurizio Maldini Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.479 MB)References
Open Access Relating fundamental creep mechanisms in Waspaloy to the Wilshire equations 15001 C. Deen, M.T. Whittaker, W. Harrison, C.M.F. Rae and S.J. Williams Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (2.074 MB)References
Open Access Creep behavior of a novel Co-Al-W-base single crystal alloy containing Ta and Ti at 982 ∘C 15002 Fei Xue, Haijing Zhou, Xuhua Chen, Qianying Shi, Hai Chang, Meiling Wang, Xianfei Ding and Qiang Feng Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.151 MB)References
Open Access Multi-scale modelling of Suzuki segregation in γ′ precipitates in Ni and Co-base superalloys 15003 P. Srimannarayana, K.V. Vamsi and S. Karthikeyan Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (451.8 KB)References
Open Access Fatigue crack initiation in nickel-based superalloys studied by microstructure-based FE modeling and scanning electron microscopy 16001 M. Fried, C. Krechel, E.E. Affeldt, B. Eckert, S. Kimmig, U. Retze, H.W. Höppel and M. Göken Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (929.0 KB)References
Open Access Dynamic strain aging in Haynes 282 superalloy 16002 Magnus Hörnqvist, Ceena Joseph, Christer Persson, Jonathan Weidow and Haiping Lai Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (776.1 KB)References
Open Access Fatigue crack growth from handling surface anomalies in a nickel based superalloy at high temperature 16003 Stéphane Gourdin, Luc Doremus, Yves Nadot, Gilbert Hénaff and Stéphane Pierret Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.623 MB)References
Open Access Simulation of oxidation-nitridation-induced microstructural degradation in a cracked Ni-based superalloy at high temperature 16004 Kang Yuan, Ru Lin Peng, Xin-Hai Li, Sten Johansson and Yan-Dong Wang Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.199 MB)References
Open Access Strain rate and temperature effects on crack initiation of direct aged 718 Alloy 16005 Maxime Perrais, Anthony Burteau, Alexandre Seror, Dominique Poquillon and Eric Andrieu Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (384.0 KB)References
Open Access Cyclic plasticity and lifetime of the nickel-based Alloy C-263: Experiments, models and component simulation 16006 G. Maier, O. Hübsch, H. Riedel, C. Somsen, J. Klöwer and R. Mohrmann Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.174 MB)References
Open Access Development of advanced P/M Ni-base superalloys for turbine disks 17001 Genrikh S. Garibov, Nina M. Grits, Alexey V. Vostrikov, Yelizaveta A. Fedorenko and Alexander M. Volkov Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (867.9 KB)References
Open Access New single crystal superalloys – overview and update 17002 Jacqueline Wahl and Ken Harris Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.527 MB)References
Open Access On the effect of boron on the mechanical properties of a new polycrystalline superalloy 17003 Paraskevas Kontis, Hanis A. Mohd Yusof, Katie L. Moore, Chris R.M. Grovenor and Roger C. Reed Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (2.389 MB)References
Open Access HAYNES 244 alloy – a new 760 ∘C capable low thermal expansion alloy 17004 Michael G. Fahrmann, S. Krishna Srivastava and Lee M. Pike Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.053 MB)References
Open Access The technology for automated development of economically doped heat-resistant nickel superalloys 17005 Yuriy Shmotin, Aleksander Logunov, Denis Danilov and Igor Leshchenkoi Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (299.8 KB)References
Open Access Microstructure stability: Optimisation of 263 Ni-based superalloy 17006 Coraline Crozet, Alexandre Devaux and Denis Béchet Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.413 MB)References
Open Access Computational design of model Re/Ru bearing Ni-base superalloys 17007 K.V. Vamsi, K.N. Goswami, K.S. Vinay, S.K. Verma, R. Balamuralikrishnan, Niranjan Das, D. Banerjee and S. Karthikeyan Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (426.1 KB)References
Open Access First principles study of structural stability and site preference in Co3 (W,X) 18001 Sri Raghunath Joshi, K.V. Vamsi and S. Karthikeyan Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (385.7 KB)References
Open Access Investigation of ternary subsystems of superalloys by thin-film combinatorial synthesis and high-throughput analysis 18002 Dennis König, Janine Pfetzing-Micklich, Jan Frenzel and Alfred Ludwig Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (803.6 KB)References
Open Access High-temperature γ (FCC)/γ′ (L12) Co-Al-W based superalloys 18003 Matthias Knop, Vassili A Vorontsov, Mark C Hardy and David Dye Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (943.2 KB)References
Open Access Lifing the thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) behaviour of the polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy RR1000 19001 Jonathan Jones, Mark Whittaker, Robert Lancaster and Stephen Williams Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (425.9 KB)References
Open Access Creep-fatigue interactions in equiaxed and single crystal Ni-base superalloys 19002 E. Vacchieri, A. Costa, A. Riva, E. Poggio and S.R. Holdsworth Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (876.1 KB)References
Open Access In- and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue of a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy 19003 Mikael Segersäll, Johan J. Moverare, Daniel Leidermark and Sten Johansson Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.317 MB)References
Open Access Thermomechanical fatigue crack growth in a cast polycrystalline superalloy 19004 Johan J. Moverare, Paraskevas Kontis, Sten Johansson and Roger C. Reed Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.252 MB)References
Open Access Development and use of a new burner rig facility to mimic service loading conditions of Ni-based single crystal superalloys 20001 Florent Mauget, Damien Marchand, Guillaume Benoit, Médéric Morisset, Denis Bertheau, Jonathan Cormier, José Mendez, Zéline Hervier, Elisabeth Ostoja-Kuczynski and Clara Moriconi Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.844 MB)References
Open Access Creep deformation behaviour of Rhenium free Ni-based single crystal superalloys LSC-15 20002 Nobuyasu Tsuno and Satoshi Takahashi Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (636.0 KB)References
Open Access Creep properties of a new Re free single crystal Ni-based superalloy, NKH71 20003 Yoshihiro Kondo, Yuusuke Kubo, Nobuhiro Miura, Yoshinori Murata and Akira Yoshinari Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (966.1 KB)References
Open Access Impact of microstructural evolutions during thermal aging of Alloy 625 on its monotonic mechanical properties 21001 Lorena Mataveli Suave, Denis Bertheau, Jonathan Cormier, Patrick Villechaise, Aurélie Soula, Zéline Hervier and Johanne Laigo Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (1015 KB)References
Open Access Influence of the quenching rate and step-wise cooling temperatures on microstructural and tensile properties of PER72 ® Ni-based superalloy 21002 Paul Le Baillif, Pascal Lamesle, Denis Delagnes, Vincent Velay, Christian Dumont and Farhad Rézaï-Aria Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (985.9 KB)References
Open Access Studying the influence of substitutional elements on mechanical behavior of Alloy 718 21003 Bertrand Max, Jose San Juan, Maria L. Nó, Jean-Marc Cloué, Bernard Viguier and Eric Andrieu Published online: 29 August 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (597.3 KB)References
Open Access Mechanical properties and microstructure of large IN713LC nickel superalloy castings 21004 Jiří Zýka, Jaroslav Málek and Karel Hrbáček Published online: 08 October 2014 DOI: AbstractPDF (2.406 MB)References