Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 14, 2014
EUROSUPERALLOYS 2014 – 2nd European Symposium on Superalloys and their Applications
Article Number | 16005 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Posters: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms II: Fatigue, Oxidation, Crack Propagation | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 August 2014 |
Strain rate and temperature effects on crack initiation of direct aged 718 Alloy
1 SNECMA, Site de Villaroche, Rond-Point René Ravaud, 77550 Moissy-Cramayel, France
2 CIRIMAT, INP-ENSIACET, 4, allée Emile Monso, BP. 44362, 31030 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
a Corresponding author:
During mechanical tests at high temperature in an oxidizing atmosphere, the effects of strain rate on crack initiation are noticeable. This effect is due to a coupling between local mechanical loading and oxidation. Samples were machined in a turbine disk made of direct aged alloy 718. Tests were performed to understand the effect of these couplings on crack initiation and to ensure lifetime is optimized. This study compared the cracking resistance of two different specimen geometries at a given plastic strain and performed quantitative measurement of the mechanical loading conditions inducing crack initiation between 600 ∘C and 650 ∘C. Sample geometries consisted in tensile flat specimens and V-shaped samples. This specific geometry was used to localize strain and damage in the apex of the V and to reach strain rates lower than those possible on standard specimens. Digital image correlation technique was used to provide strain measurements. For each temperature and strain rate, finite element calculations using the identified constitutive law were performed to get a refined level of strain in different areas at the V apex. Tests were stopped after an imposed displacement corresponding to a given plastic strain distribution. SEM observations of the surface of the flat tensile samples revealed no crack initiation. On the contrary, SEM observations at the apex of V specimens for which the level of cumulative strain was close to the level of cumulative strain of flat samples reveal the presence of intergranular damage when the strain rate used was below a given level.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
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