Aleksey Adamtsevich

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the VI International Conference “Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education”, we would like to cordially thank the team of MATEC Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences) for the fruitful collaboration we had regarding the publication of the IPICSE-2018 Conference Proceedings. Their high professionalism together with friendly attitude made our work and communication very comfortable. The entire publishing process was handled perfectly. Their service, dedication, quality of work, relevant feedback, and expert help produced in a careful, respectful way exceeded all our expectations.

Aleksey Adamtsevich, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Moscow
On behalf of the IPICSE-2018 Organizing Committee, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 251 (2018)

Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska

I would like to thank the MATEC Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences) team for quick and excellent work, the fruitful cooperation and friendly responses to our all queries. The collaboration was absolutely perfect and professional. The MATEC Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences) was very professional at each step of the publishing process. We are looking forward to collaborate again with the MATEC Web of Conferences team.

Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska, The Main School of Fire Service, Poland
On behalf of the Editors of FESE2018 proceedings, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 247 (2018)

Yovial Mahyoedin

I should like to express our deepest appreciation for your quick response. It is a great comfort to know that we do not have to worry, as you can deal with (accident) error that occurs. Once again we were glad that we cooperated. On behalf of the committee, I would like to extend my thanks on another successful year.

Yovial Mahyoedin, Padang, Indonesia
On behalf of the ESTIC 2018 Committee, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 248 (2018)

Milan Vaško

We want to thank You and Your entire team for successful cooperation in publishing articles from the International Scientific Conference INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGINEERING PRODUCTION 2018 – ITEP 2018. Communication with You has always been fast and reliable and your responses to our emails have been quick. We are very satisfied with your cooperation. We plan to publish the results of scientific and research work presented at international scientific conferences through your company in the future.

Milan Vaško, University of Žilina, Slovakia
On behalf of the ITEP 2018 editors, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 244 (2018)

Wieslaw Zima

The Editors of ICCHMT2018 Proceedings would like to thank the MATEC Web conference team for her help in preparation of the final version of the proceedings. This team is very professional and the Proceedings were published in a short time after the materials were submitted.

Wieslaw Zima, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
On behalf of the ICCHMT2018 editors, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 240 (2018)

Andrey Dmitrievich Abramov

We sincerely express our deep gratitude for the publication of proceedings of the International Transport Forum - TransSiberia2018.
We were pleasantly surprised by the very quick publication in the MATEC Web of Conferences journal.
Individually, we would like to note the speed and coordination of the work of all the staff of the publishing group and the attentive support of us, guest editors, throughout the entire publishing process.
We wish your publishing house further prosperity!

Andrey Dmitrievich Abramov, Siberian Transport University, Russia
On behalf of the TransSiberia 2018 editor, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 239 (2018)

Ladislav Bartuška

With the publisher, we have many years of experience in the field of publishing of scientific papers. We greatly appreciate the professional attitude of the publisher's employees, their willingness to communicate flexibly and their expertise advice.

Ladislav Bartuška, Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích, Czech Republic
On behalf of the LOGI 2018 editor, MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 236 (2018)

Kyriaki Panagopoulou

We would like to cordially thank you for the fruitful cooperation we had regarding the publication of the 2018 EASN Conference Proceedings at the MATEC Web of Conferences. MATEC Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences) was very professional at every step of the publishing process, providing clear instructions communicated in a professional and timely manner. We highly recommend EDP Sciences as a very efficient and professional publisher especially for scientific conference proceedings. We would be happy to work again together in the future!

Kyriaki Panagopoulou, EASN Technology Innovation Services, Belgium
8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop Organizing Committee MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 233 (2018)

Alex Lukjanov

Let me express that I'm thrilled to see the proceedings of DTS-conference online! This is great news. We are very grateful for your help with the publication process and your friendly and prompt responses to our queries. We are looking forward to a successful and high-level cooperation again too. We have kindly requested the bank account details to pay for your fantastic job and services.

Alex Lukjanov, ​​Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Scientific Secretary of the Conference DTS-2018 MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 226 (2018)

Natalia Lasowicz

Please, take our deepest words of gratitude for the co-operation in publishing the articles submitted for the 2nd Conference BalCon 2018. We appreciate your professional attitude, rapid responses to our inquiries and quick publication of the submitted works. We share our intentions for a further, successful co-operation in our next, upcoming Conference editions.

Natalia Lasowicz, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
On behalf of the BalCon 2018 editors MATEC Web of Conferences vol. 219 (2018)