Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 224, 2018
International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment (ICMTMTE 2018)
Article Number 01060
Number of page(s) 7
Section Manufacturing Technologies, Tools and Equipment
Published online 30 October 2018
  1. Gusarov, A. V., Okun’kova, A. A., Peretyagin, P. Y., Zhirnov, I. V., & Podrabinnik, P. A. Means of Optical Diagnostics of Selective Laser Melting with Non-Gaussian Beams. Measurement Techniques, 58,8 (2015) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  2. Zhirnov, I., D. V. Kotoban, & A. V. Gusarov. “Evaporation-induced gas-phase flows at selective laser melting.” Applied Physics, A124.2 (2018) [Google Scholar]
  3. Khmyrov R.S., Safronov V.A.,. Gusarov A.V., Obtaining crack-free WC-Co alloys by selective laser melting, Phys.Procedia 83, 874–881 (2016) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  4. Khmyrov, R. S., Protasov, C. E., Grigoriev, S. N., & Gusarov, A. V. Crack-free selective laser melting of silica glass: single beads and monolayers on the substrate of the same material. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 85 (2016) [Google Scholar]
  5. Kovaleva, I. O., Grigoriev, S. N., & Gusarov, A. V. Non-disturbing boundary conditions for modeling of laser material processing. Physics Procedia, 56, 421–428. (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

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