Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 152, 2018
9th Eureca 2017 International Engineering Research Conference
Article Number | 02010 | |
Number of page(s) | 17 | |
Section | Mechanical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 February 2018 |
Evaluation of SIPIC01 and SIPIC02 on Motor Speed Control
School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Malaysia
1 Corresponding author:
Due to its simplicity, Proportional-Integral (PI) controller still remains as the widely used controller for motor speed control system. However, PI controller exhibits windup phenomenon when the motor operates in a saturated state, which may cause degradation to the control system. In order to overcome the windup phenomenon, many researches have introduced various types of anti-windup methods such as the Conditioning Technique (CI), Tracking Back Calculation (TBC), Integral State Prediction (ISP), Steady-state Integral Proportional Integral Controller-01 (SIPIC01) and Steady-state Integral Proportional Integral Controller-02 (SIPIC02). These are anti-windup techniques with integral control switching mechanism, coupling of proportional gain, kp, and integral gain, ki. Due to the coupled kp and ki, tuning motor performance is a difficult task with short settling time without experiencing overshoot. SIPIC01 and SIPIC02 are robust anti-windup methods without a switching mechanism and exhibit decoupling feature. SIPIC01 and SIPIC02 have shown better dynamic performance compared to CI, TBC and ISP. However, SIPIC01 has not been compared to SIPIC02 in terms of their decoupling effect flexibility and dynamic performance. The decoupling effect was verified using MATLAB simulation, while the performance analysis was verified through hardware simulation and testing by using Scilab. The results obtained from the simulation showed that both SIPIC01 and SIPIC02 consist of decoupling features that allow a performance with coexistence of zero or minimum overshoot with short settling time. However, SIPIC02 consists of longer rise and settling time as compared to SIPIC01. Therefore, it can be concluded that SIPIC01 is better than SIPIC02 in term of dynamic performance.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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