Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 180, 2018
13th International Conference Modern Electrified Transport – MET’2017
Article Number | 02010 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Energy Effectiveness of Transport | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 27 July 2018 |
Life cycle cost as a criterion in purchase of rolling stock
Railway Research Institute, ul. Chłopickiego 50, 04-275, Warsaw, Poland
* Corresponding author:
The key parameter in assessing the economic viability of purchasing and operating rolling stock is the total cost incurred by the ordering party, starting from the preparation of the rolling stock purchase plan to the end of its operation, including its disposal. The methodology for calculating these life cycle costs (LCCs) has been developed especially in recent years based on the experience of the next-generation vehicle deployment. In Poland first vehicles purchase using the LCC method was carried out in few recent years - by PKP Intercity and by Lodz Agglomeration Railway. Despite the use of simplified criteria for the economic efficiency of vehicles, optimal offers were selected. This article describes examples of rolling stock purchase based on the low cost of life of the vehicle and the economic and operational results that have been achieved after several years of operation. Further possibilities for optimizing these costs were also indicated. Examples showing the proportion between the cost of vehicle purchase, its technical maintenance and its operation, where the electricity consumption is the main factor are given.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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