Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 311, 2020
IX Czarnowski Readings – Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Organization of Production and Industrial Policy
Article Number 02010
Number of page(s) 6
Section Section Meetings
Published online 23 March 2020
  1. Woomek James P., Jones Daniel T. Lean Manufacturing. How to get rid of losses and prosper your company. - M.,: “Alpina Publisher”, 2011. At the beginning of the 21st century, other books on this subject were also published in Russia, for example, Voumek James P., Jones Daniel T. Lean provision. How to build effective and mutually beneficial relationships between suppliers and consumers. - M., Alpina Business Books, 2006; Vader Michael Lean Tools. - M., Alpina Business Books, 2005; George Michael Lean Manufacturing + Six Sigma. Combining the quality of six sigma with the speed of lean manufacturing. - M., Alpina Business Books, 2005; Muskell Brian and Buggali Bruce The practice of lean accounting. Management and financial accounting and a system of responsibility in lean enterprises. - M., ICSI. 2100 [Google Scholar]
  2. For more details, see Repin VV, Eliferov V.G. The process approach to management. Modeling business processes. - 6th ed. - M.: RIA “Standards and Quality”, 2008. [Google Scholar]
  3. Very few studies have been devoted to questions of a systematic approach to the problems of lean manufacturing in Russia: we mention the works of II. Antonova Lean production: system approach to its implementation at the enterprises of the republic of Tatarstan - Kazan, Poznanie Publishing House (Kazan), 2013, P. 176; Galeeva R.R. System approach to the organization of lean production//New science: problems and prospects, No. 6–1 (85), 2016, SS. 46–50; Strekalova G.R. System approach to simulation of lean production at industrial enterprises//SCIENTIFIC NOTES ISGZ, Volume: 15, No. 1, 2017, PP. 511517 [Google Scholar]
  4. Belotserkovsky, A. Self-regulatory organizations in higher vocational education: “weather forecast”/A. Belotserkovsky//Higher education in Russia. - 2008. - No. 12. [Google Scholar]
  5. Kudrin B.I. Classics of technical cenoses. General and applied cenology. Vol. 31. “Cenological studies” /B.I. Kudrin. - Tomsk: TSU - Center for System Research, 2006. [Google Scholar]
  6. Novikov, D.A. Theory of management of organizational systems/D.A. Novikov. - M .: MPSI, 2005. [Google Scholar]
  7. Tarasov V.B. From multi-agent systems to intelligent organizations: philosophy, psychology, computer science. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2002 .- 352 p. [Google Scholar]
  8. Rosenberg I.N., Shabelnikov A.N., Lyabakh N.N. Sorting process control systems within the framework of the ideology of the Digital Railway: Monograph. - Moscow: VINITI RAS, 2019. [Google Scholar]
  9. R. G. Sanfelice. Analysis and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. A Hybrid Control Systems Approach//Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice/D. Rawat, J. Rodrigues, I. Stojmenovic. — CRC Press, 2016. [Google Scholar]
  10. Bob Vavra. Which way do you LEAN?//BY BOB VAVRA, EDITOR MARCH 15, 2008/ [Google Scholar]
  11. Daniel T Jones What Lean Really is//posted on September 11, 2014/http://www. leanuk. org/article-pages/articles/2014/september/11/what-lean-really- is.aspx. [Google Scholar]

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