Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 373, 2022
10th edition of the International Multidisciplinary Symposium “UNIVERSITARIA SIMPRO 2022”: Quality and Innovation in Education, Research and Industry – the Success Triangle for a Sustainable Economic, Social and Environmental Development
Article Number | 00049 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 December 2022 |
Acoustic zoning for the safe use of explosives in the open pit
1 National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion INSEMEX Petrosani, 32-34 G-ral. Vasile Milea Street, Petroșani, 332047, Romania
2 SAMAX Romania, Crişcior Locality, No. 146 Calea Zarandului St., Hunedoara County, Romania
* Corresponding author:
Rockfall in open pit mining using explosives is the most method of operation. Also, in addition to the technical and economic advantages, this method of extraction produces effects that can have a negative impact in the area near the quarry. The effects of the blasting are such as seismic waves that produce vibrations, air overpressure (noise), rock throws and toxic gases. If the intensity and extent of these effects are not properly anticipated and assessed, serious consequences can occur to people, civil / industrial buildings, the environment, thus affecting the health of the population and the stability / integrity of buildings / slopes in the vicinity of mining operations. The paper describes methods to assess the noise produced by the detonation of explosives for civilian use when removing rocks in the quarry, with the aim of ensuring a degree of disturbance acceptable to the population as well as for the protection of civil / industrial objectives in the area of mining. The obtained results are extracted from a research study carried out for the opening in operation of a new mining deposit, applying calculations and theoretical interpretations having as reference the conditions established for the development of the blasting works.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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