Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 358, 2022
3rd International Symposium on Mechanics, Structures and Materials Science (MSMS 2022)
Article Number | 01042 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 May 2022 |
Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Loess with Cement Incorporation Ratio
1 China Railway No.3 Bureau Group Investment Co., Ltd. Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030006 China
2 Tianshui Sanyangchuan Tunnel Traffic Engineering Co., Ltd. Tianshui, Gansu, 741030 China
Taking loess as the research object, the influence of cement content on mechanical properties of loess was studied. Firstly, the basic physical parameters of loess were obtained through laboratory physical index test, and improved by using Portland cement. Secondly, under different incorporation ratios (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%), heavy compaction test and liquid-plastic limit test were carried out respectively to obtain mechanical parameters of cement-improved loess. Finally, the shear strength parameters and compressive strength of the improved soil samples are obtained by unconsolidation undrained triaxial shear test and unconfined compressive strength test. The results show that the liquid limit, plastic limit and plastic index of loess improved by adding cement increase compared with the original soil sample, indicating that the binding force between soil particles is improved and the plasticity is enhanced. The variation range of dry density and water content has no obvious relationship with the content of cement. At the same time, the compressibility of soil is reduced and the collapsibility of soil is eliminated. With the increase of age, the strength of cement-modified soil also increases. Through unconsolidated and undrained triaxial shear tests and unconfined compressive strength tests, the strength of loess improved significantly after adding cement, and the strength of soil-cement increased with the increase of cement content, and water stability was obviously improved.
Key words: Loess / Cement incorporation ratio / Mechanical properties
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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