Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 310, 2020
4th International Scientific Conference Structural and Physical Aspects of Construction Engineering (SPACE 2019)
Article Number | 00007 | |
Number of page(s) | 13 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 March 2020 |
A transient dynamic process in a structural nonlinear system “beam – two-parameter foundation”
Oryol State University, Russia
* Corresponding author:
A method for analytical assessment of dynamic added stress in elastic loaded beam resting on elastic two-parameter Pasternak’s foundation due to sudden destruction a part of foundation is proposed. Equations of static bending, natural and forced oscillations are written in a matrix form using state vectors including deflection, rotational angles, bending moments, and shear forces at arbitrary cross section of a beam and also using the matrices of the initial parameters influence on the stress-strain state in arbitrary cross section. The influence of foundation failure on beam’s stress-strain state, taking into account a relation between the stiffness parameters of foundation, is analyzed. The condition of smallness for the shear stiffness parameter (Pasternak’s parameter) in comparison with the stretching-compressing stiffness parameter (Vinkler’s parameter) is accepted. It is shown that the accounting of Pasternak’s parameter reduces the level of dynamic added stress in a beam when sudden destructing of a foundation. The factor of sudden defect occurrence in the system “beam – foundation” increases considerably the internal forces in a beam in comparison with quasistatic formation of the same defect.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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