Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 304, 2019
9th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space”
Article Number | 02018 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Flight Physics: Noise & Aerodynamics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 December 2019 |
Effects of Propeller Slipstream of Distributed Electric Propulsion on the Wing-Flap System
TsAGI, 1,
Zhukovsky str, Zhukovsky town,
Moscow region,
1 Corresponding author:
The studies are aimed at investigating the mechanism to ensure the high lift by installing propellers in front of the wing and using interference effects. The model of the wing section of a regional STOL aircraft with DEPSis considered. The wing section is equipped with a trailing edge device (Fowler flap) and DEPS consisting of motors with propellers. Parametric and experimental studies of the interaction between DEPS propellers and the regional STOL aircraft wing-flap system were carried out. The development and verification of aerodynamic calculation method for the wing section at low Reynolds numbers were performed. The comparison with the wind tunnel test data obtained at TSAGI was made. It was found that: - for fixed power of propellers there is an optimal propeller diameter ensuring maximum increase in the wing section lift; - at low thrust the total lift weakly depends on DEPS inclination angle.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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