Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 278, 2019
2018 2nd International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM 2018)
Article Number | 01012 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Building Materials and Applications | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 April 2019 |
The influence of reclaimed asphalt pavement in warm mix asphalt on asphalt concrete binder course with Retona Blend 55
University of Indonesia, Civil Engineering Department, 16424 Depok, Indonesia
Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) comprises removed pavement materials containing high-quality aggregates and asphalt which can be recycled as materials for new pavement construction. It is removed continually for reconstruction, resurfacing, and maintenance purposes, and if not recycled will become waste. This paper determines the influence of using different RAP percentages and asphalt content in warm mix asphalt on the Marshall test results for asphalt concrete binder course (AC-BC) using Retona Blend 55. The percentages of RAP are determined by analyzing the gradation of the existing aggregates in RAP and adding virgin aggregates so that it meets the standard gradation for AC-BC specified by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The RAP percentages in the asphalt mixes in this study are 35%, 45%, and 51.55% of total aggregates, while the asphalt contents are 5%, 6%, and 7% of the total mix. To determine the influence of RAP percentage and asphalt content, and to discover if there is any influence from the interaction between these two factors, the analysis is performed using a factorial design. The results of this study show that variation in RAP percentages in the mix has no significant influence on stability, flow, and Marshall quotient, but there is significant influence on void in mineral aggregates (VMA), void in mix (VIM), and void filled with asphalt (VFA). Correlations of 97.5%, 80%, and 95.1%, respectively show that increase in RAP percentage increases VMA and VIM and decreases VFA. The interaction between RAP percentage and asphalt content has no significant influence on Marshall test results.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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