Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 274, 2019
RICON17 - REMINE International Conference Valorization of Mining and other Mineral Wastes into Construction Materials by Alkali-Activation
Article Number | 04002 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Field Application of AAM, Such as Ready Mixes, Repair and Precast | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 February 2019 |
Application of Mining Waste Powder as filler in Hot Mix Asphalt
DICAM Roads, University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy
* Corresponding author:
Asphalt concrete mixtures are composed of two main components: aggregates and binder. The fraction of aggregates passing through the 63μm sieve is traditionally considered as filler. During years, several researches have shown the importance and the influence of filler in controlling the physical and mechanical properties of Hot Mix Asphalts (HMAs). The main objective of this research is to investigate and to assess the effects given by the use of Mining Waste Powder (MWP) within HMAs in total substitution of traditional limestone filler. The MWP used in this study is a residual of the tungsten extraction process in Panasqueira (Portugal) mine. The evaluation of properties conferred by the presence of the MWP filler within asphalt mixtures is based on a physical and mechanical laboratory characterization. For this purpose, tests have been performed both on bituminous mastics and on HMAs. Results indicate that the use of MWP in total substitution of limestone filler does not negatively affect the performances of HMAs and their bituminous mastics.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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