Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 265, 2019
International Geotechnical Symposium “Geotechnical Construction of Civil Engineering & Transport Structures of the Asian-Pacific Region” (GCCETS 2018)
Article Number | 05012 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Foundations and Underground Structures | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 January 2019 |
Strengthening of sliding soil body using gravitational pile structure at highway in Chita Region
Far Eastern State Transport University, 47 Seryshev St. Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia
* Corresponding author:
This article presents the way to prevent deformation of linear structures build on sliding slopes. The offered structure is built on thawing permafrost soils. Some results of scientific research and engineering calculations of options for rational design of roads located in cold regions of Russia are given as an example of a highway construction. The highway is constructed in complicated climatic and engineering-geological conditions. There are occurrences of insular permafrost and a wide spread of deep seasonal freezing. Melting permafrost requires special treatment in construction due to changing their temperature and humidity conditions. Thus, the structure includes installation of piles in slopes and their interconnection in a pilework by means of a vertical geogrid rigidly connected to pile caps and vertical geogrid layers. The work stage from cap bottoms to the first layer of a horizontal geogrid and interlayers between geogrids are filled with the crushed stone compacted. The horizontal geogrids are installed on account of their partial location in a no-float soil body of the slope or natural downhill. Modelling of the structural behavior with the geotechnical software complex «FEM models» estimates the gravitational effect of a sliding body of earth. The reliability of the structure is confirmed by regular measurements and observations on the highway section. On the basis of the research results some structural measures for providing operational reliability for highway rational designs in the northern territories of the Russian Far East are offered.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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