Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 226, 2018
XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference “Dynamic of Technical Systems” (DTS-2018)
Article Number | 02003 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | 2 Non-linear dynamics and applied synergetics in technical systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 November 2018 |
Justification of the mathematical (thermodynamic) model of deformation processes in the materials cutting system
Kamyshin Technology Institute (branch) of the Volgograd State Technical University, 403874 Kamyshin, Russia
* Corresponding author:
By the cutting system we mean the workpiece, shavings and the cutting tools that are in the conditions of contact interaction. In this system occur: the destruction of the material; elastic and plastic deformation; the formation of a new surface; electric and magnetic polarization of the surface layers; mechanical interaction of components of the cutting system, accompanied by internal and external friction; heat exchange between the components of the cutting system, which involves all the existing methods of heat transfer in nature (convection, heat conductivity, radiation); the withdrawal of energy from the system, accompanied by the formation of so-called dissipative structures. The authors propose a mathematical model developed using the thermodynamic theory, which takes into account the mutual transformation of energy in the system. To describe highly nonequilibrium processes, it is necessary to determine not only the state of the system at one time or another, but also be able to calculate the irreversible energy flows (the flux of the released elastic energy, the work flow of destruction, the mass flow, etc.), through which it is possible to trace changes, occurring in the cutting system.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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