Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 211, 2018
The 14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV)
Article Number | 16001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | TP3: Vibration in energy and power systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 October 2018 |
Experimental study in reduction of two phase flow induced vibration
Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy, Ural Federal University,
Department of Physics, University of Dhaka,
* Corresponding author:
Vibration in mechanical devices is one of the major problems in engineering field including power generated industry. In this study we focused on the method and possible equipment design availability in reduction of vibration level. A brief overview of the outcomings of pipeline vibrations is presented, the sources of vibrations are listed and possible solutions for eliminating vibrations are described. Devices for passive quenching of pressure pulsations in pipelines with a two-phase flow are considered. We presented the description of the experimental stand on the investigation of the influence of a two-phase flow on the vibration of sections of a pipeline under different flow patterns of a coolant, as well as the procedure for conducting an experiment to study the properties of developed and manufactured swirl models. An animated model was developed that reflects the relationship of swirl geometry with the reduction of the vibro-displacement of the pipeline as a result of passive action on a two-phase flow.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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