Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 161, 2018
13th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics “Zavalishin’s Readings” - 2018
Article Number | 03023 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Robotics and Automation | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 April 2018 |
Classification of robotic battery service systems for unmanned aerial vehicles
SUAI, Department of Electromechanics and Robotics, 190000, Sankt-Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya Str., 67, Russia
Erzurum Technical University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 25700, Erzurum, Turkey
SPIIRAS, Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems, 199178, Sankt-Petersburg, 14-th line of V.I., 39, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Existing examples of prototypes of ground-based robotic platforms used as a landing site for unmanned aerial vehicles are considered. In some cases, they are equipped with a maintenance mechanism for the power supply module. The main requirements for robotic multi-copter battery maintenance systems depending on operating conditions, required processing speed, operator experience and other parameters are analyzed. The key issues remain questions of the autonomous landing of the unmanned aerial vehicles on the platform and approach to servicing battery. The existing prototypes of service robotic platforms are differed in the complexity of internal mechanisms, speed of service, algorithms of joint work of the platform and unmanned aerial vehicles during the landing and maintenance of the battery. The classification of robotic systems for servicing the power supply of multi-copter batteries criteria is presented using the following: the type of basing, the method of navigation during landing, the shape of the landing pad, the method of restoring the power supply module. The proposed algorithmic model of the operation of battery power maintenance system of the multi-copter on ground-based robotic platform during solving the target agrarian problem is described. Wireless methods of battery recovery are most promising, so further development and prototyping of a wireless charging station for multi-copter batteries will be developed.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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