Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 133, 2017
BulTrans-2017 – 9th International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies
Article Number | 03002 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Railway Engineering and Technologies | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 November 2017 |
Determination of the primary technical parameters of the test bench for controlling the temperature of rails and rail bars of continuous welded rail
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Structural Mechanics and Hydraulics Department, 7 Feuerbach Sq., 61050 Kharkiv, Ukraine
* Corresponding author:
One of the most important factors determining the reliability and safety of operation of the continuous welded rail track is the temperature of the rails. All conditions of laying, repair and maintenance of the track during the entire cycle of rails operation depend on it. The existing rail temperature monitoring method does not take into account a few significant factors and that leads to significant errors in determining the actual temperature of the rail bar. The authors propose a new rail temperature measurement method on a special test bench which maximally simulates possible environmental operating conditions for the rail bars, the profile of the roadway (embankment or cut), as well as the actual spatial latitude and meridian location of the rail slabs. At the bench, the studied rails are fastened with the help of rail braces on half ties, in the ballast bed, with sizes in accordance with the existing reference documents. At the first stage, the most common KB-65 intermediate fastener for the continuous welded rail in Ukraine will be used, while in subsequent stages KPP-5 fastening will be used.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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