Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 123, 2017
2017 The 2nd International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology (ICPMMT 2017)
Article Number | 00005 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 September 2017 |
Ride responses of macpherson suspension systems
1 Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
2 Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
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The main purpose of this study is to obtain more correct vehicle ride responses by using a nonlinear ride model considering the effect of Macpherson suspension geometry. Traditional ride model applied to analysis and controller design uses a two degree of freedom linear model, which includes sprung mass and unsprung mass and a spring and a damper vertically connect them. In fact, suspension components do not vertically position above the tire. The motions of body and tire are not going straight up and down. Therefore, the analysis results obtained by the simple model are often different from the experimental values of the actual vehicle. Because of the difference between simple model and actual vehicle, the control strategy almost cannot apply to actual vehicle. In order to understand the effect of suspension geometry on the vehicle ride responses and design a more practical control strategy, a nonlinear model including the geometric parameters of the suspension is constructed in this study. To estimate the initial equilibrium position of the suspension assembly under load, the static equilibrium analysis and mechanism motion analysis are synchronous implemented at the same time. The nonlinear model describes not only the relative position and velocity but also the force transmission between body and tire. Furthermore, by linearize this nonlinear model the development of control strategy for subsequent (semi) active suspension system could be expected.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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