Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 39, 2016
2015 2nd International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2015)
Article Number | 01002 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Novel materials and properties | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 January 2016 |
Parametric design of silo steel framework of concrete mixing station based on the finite element method and MATLAB
School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, China
a Corresponding author:
When the structure of the silo steel framework of concrete mixing station is designed, In most cases, the dimension parameters, shape parameters and position parameters of silo steel framework beams are changed as the productivity adjustment of the concrete mixing station, but the structure types of silo steel framework will remain the same. In order to acquire strength of silo steel framework rapidly and efficiently, it is need to provide specialized parametric strength computational software for engineering staff who does not understand the three-dimensional software such as PROE and finite element analysis software. By the finite element methods(FEM), the parametric stress calculation modal of the silo steel framework of concrete mixing station is established, which includes dimension parameters, shape parameters, position parameters and applied load parameters of each beams, and then the parametric calculation program is written with MATLAB. The stress equations reflect the internal relationship between the stress of the silo steel frames with the dimension parameters, shape parameters, position parameters and load parameters. Finally, an example is presented, the calculation results show the stress of all members and the size and location of the maximum stress, which agrees well with realistic cases.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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