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Influence of the Inlet-Valve Diameter and the Temperature of Gaseous UF6 on the Dynamics of Filling of Tanks with Smooth Interior Walls with Desublimated UF6
A. A. Orlov, A. F. Tsimbalyuk, R. V. Malyugin and A. A. Kotel’nikova Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 95(1) 247 (2022)
On the problems of reusing reprocessed uranium by enrichment in schemes based on ordinary cascades
Influence of the Inlet Valve Diameter, Container Volume, and of Horizontal Finning on the Rate of Filling a Container with UF6
A. A. Orlov, A. F. Tsimbalyuk, R. V. Malyugin and D. A. Leont’eva Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 92(2) 460 (2019)
Applying enrichment capacities for multiple recycling of LWR uranium