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A comprehensive objective and subjective assessment survey of indoor environmental quality in higher education classrooms in a hot arid climate
Fatema Al-Akhzami, Hanan Al-Khatri, Saleh Al-Saadi, Hayder Khan and Talal Etri Building and Environment 111870 (2024)
Pilar Romero, Víctor Valero-Amaro, José Ignacio Arranz Barriga, Francisco José Sepúlveda Justo and María Teresa Miranda (2024)
Air quality monitoring on university campuses as a crucial component to move toward sustainable campuses: An overview
A systematic approach to quantify the influence of indoor environmental parameters on students' perceptions, responses, and short‐term academic performance
Henk W. Brink, Marcel G. L. C. Loomans, Mark P. Mobach and Helianthe S. M. Kort Indoor Air 32(10) (2022)
Assessment of Smart Learning Environments in Higher Educational Institutions: A Study Using AHP-FCE and GA-BP Methods
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education: A systematic literature review
Henk W. Brink, Marcel G. L. C. Loomans, Mark P. Mobach and Helianthe S. M. Kort Indoor Air 31(2) 405 (2021)
An environmental gap analysis at a university campus
Analysis of subjective responses for the evaluation of the indoor environmental quality of an educational building
Lorenza Pistore, Ilaria Pittana, Francesca Cappelletti, Piercarlo Romagnoni and Andrea Gasparella Science and Technology for the Built Environment 26(2) 195 (2020)