Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 321, 2020
The 14th World Conference on Titanium (Ti 2019)
Article Number 01002
Number of page(s) 10
Section Plenary Lectures
Published online 12 October 2020
  1. Alexandrov А.V., Ziganshin А.G., Khudyakov D.А., Konshin R.S. Production of a lot of ingots with a diameter of 450 mm from highheat resisting alloy on the basis of titanium intermetallide of VTI-4 grade in JSC CHMP // Titanium (ISSN 2075-2903) – 2018 - № 3 - p. 33-39. [Google Scholar]
  2. Ilin A.A., Kolachev B.A., Nosov V.K., Mamonov A.M. Hydrogen technology of titanium alloys. MISIS, 2002 - 392 p. [Google Scholar]
  3. Mamonov A.M., Skvortsova S.V., Umarova O.Z., Agarkova E.O. Physicochemical and technological basics of formation of thermal stable structures of bimodal type in heat-resistant titanium alloys and titanium aluminide based alloys with reversible alloying with hydrogen // Titanium (ISSN 2075-2903) - 2013 – № 3 – p. 9-16. [Google Scholar]
  4. Mamonov A.M., Slezov S.S., Gvozdeva O.N. Control of phase composition, structure and complex of properties of high modulus titanium alloy by methods of thermohydrogen treatment // University news. Non-ferrous metallurgy. – 2018 – № 1 – p. 53-63. [Google Scholar]
  5. Skvortsova S.V., Il’in А.А., Nochovnaya N.А., Umarova О.Z. Structure and properties of semifinished sheet products made of an intermetallic refractory alloy based on Ti2AlNb // Materials Science, Vol. 51, № 6, May, 2016 (Ukrainian Original Vol. 51, № 6, November–December, 2015). [Google Scholar]
  6. Ilin А.А., Fedirko V.N., Mamonov A.M., Sarychev S.M., Chernyschova Yu.V. The impact of complex processing technologies on the structural state of the surface and the performance properties of medical implants made of titanium alloy VT6 // Titanium (ISSN 2075-2903) - 2014 – № 4 – p. 4-11. [Google Scholar]
  7. Kollerov M.Y., Shlyapin S.D., Senkevich K.S., Runova Y.E., Kazantsev A.A. Use of hydrogen heat treatment in the production of porous materials and objects made from titanium fiber and wire // Metallurgist. 2015 - Т. 59 - № 3-4 - p. 241-247. [Google Scholar]
  8. Kollerov M.Y., Afonina M.B., Mamaev V.S., Sharonov I.A. Shape memory effect characteristics of a VT22i alloy // Russian metallurgy (Metally) 2010 - № 9 - p. 837-841. [Google Scholar]

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