Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 305, 2020
9th International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety (SESAM 2019)
Article Number 00052
Number of page(s) 7
Published online 17 January 2020
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  4. PN 07-45-03-25, Nucleu Program INCD INSEMEX, Programming and using subroutines for moving digitization networks to solve computer fluid mechanics problems (2015) [Google Scholar]
  5. D. G. Ionescu, introduction to fluid mechanics, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest (2005) [Google Scholar]
  6. HPC computing. Available on [Google Scholar]
  7. Flammability limit. Available on [Google Scholar]
  8. HPC. Available on [Google Scholar]
  9. ANSYS FLUENT manual, made available by INAS S.A. [Google Scholar]

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