Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 282, 2019
4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2019)
Article Number 02050
Number of page(s) 11
Section Regular Papers
Published online 06 September 2019
  1. T. Weston, "The Implications of Durability, Resilience and Energy Efficiency on the Advancement of Water Management in Wall Assemblies," Advances in C. Eng. Matls., Vol. 7(1); pp. 316-339 (2018) [Google Scholar]
  2. ASHRAE 160-2016, Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings; 20 p. [Google Scholar]
  3. BS EN 15026:2007, Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements. Assessment of moisture transfer by numerical simulation; 28 p. [Google Scholar]
  4. Lacasse, M. A., Ge, H.; Hegel, M.; Jutras, R.; Laouadi, A.; Sturgeon, G., Wells, J., Guideline on design for durability of building envelopes, Technical Report CRBCPI-Y2-R19; Construction, National Research Council Canada (2018), 35 p.; DOI: 10.4224/23003983 [Google Scholar]
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  8. J. M. Pérez-Bella, J. Domínguez-Hernández, J. J. del Coz-Díaz, E. Cano-Suñén, B. Rodríguez-Soria, Optimised method for estimating directional driving rain from synoptic observation data, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 113; pp. 1–11; (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  9. J. M. Pérez-Bella, J. Domínguez-Hernández, E. Cano-Suñén, J. J. del Coz-Díaz, M. Alonso-Martínez, Global analysis of building façade exposure to water penetration in Chile, Building and Environment, Vol. 70 (2013) pp. 284-297 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  10. J. Domínguez-Hernández, J.M. Pérez-Bella, M. Alonso-Martínez, E. Cano-Suñén & J.J. del Coz-Díaz, Assessment of water penetration risk in building facades throughout Brazil, Building Research & Information, 45(5); 492-507 (2017); [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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  14. T. Van den Brande, B. Blocken & S. Roels, Rain water runoff from porous building facades: Implementation & application of a first-order runoff model coupled to a HAM model, Bldg. & Environ. 64(2013): 177-186 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  15. Lacasse, M.A.; O’Connor, T.J.; Nunes, S.; Beaulieu, P., Report from Task 6 of MEWS Project – Experimental Assessment of Water Penetration and Entry into Wood-Frame Wall Specimens – Final Report, Research report IRC-RR-133, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 2003, 308 p [Google Scholar]
  16. N. Van Den Bossche, M. Lacasse, T. Moore and A. Janssens, Water infiltration through openings in a vertical plane under static boundary conditions, Proc., 5th Intl. Building Physics Conference. (2012) pp. 457-463 [Google Scholar]
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  18. N. Van Den Bossche, M. A. Lacasse and A. Janssens, Watertightness of masonry walls: an overview, 12th International Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components (12DBMC), Porto, PT, April 12-15, 2011, pp. 1-8 [Google Scholar]
  19. S. Van Goethem, N. Van Den Bossche, A. Janssen, Watertightness Assessment of Blown-in Retrofit Cavity Wall Insulation, Energy Procedia, Vol. 78 (2015) pp. 883-888 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  20. K. Calle, N. Van Den Bossche (2017), Towards understanding rain infiltration in historic brickwork, Energy Procedia 132; 676–681 (2017) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  21. N. Van Den Bossche, S. Van Goethem, S. Scharlaken, S. Sulmon, A. Janssens, Watertightness and water management of curtain walls, 1st Intl. Symposium on Building Pathology (ISBP-2015), 24-27 March 2015, Univ. of Porto, Porto, PT; pp. 431-438. [Google Scholar]
  22. J. Gutiérrez, Á. Mas, E. Gil, V. Galvañ, Clay-related damage in rainscreen walls built with natural stone coverings, Constr. & Bldg. Matls., Vol. 29, (2012) pp. 357-367 [Google Scholar]
  23. M. A. Recatalá, S. G. Morales & N. Van Den Bossche, Experimental assessment of rainwater management of a ventilated façade. J. of Building Phys., 2018, Vol. 42(1) 38–67 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  24. S. Ilomets, T. Kalamees, J. Lahdensivu, P. Klõšeiko, Impact of ETICS on Corrosion Propagation of Concrete Façade, Energy Procedia, Vol. 96; pp. 67-76; (2016) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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  27. Molnar, M., Jönsson, J. and Rosenkvist P-O., Development of experimental methods to evaluate infiltration of WDR into external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) in: XIV DBMC – 14th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, 29-31 May 2017, Ghent University, Belgium; pp. 29-30 [Google Scholar]
  28. Sahal, N.; Lacasse, M. A., Water entry function of a hardboard siding-clad wood stud wall, Building & Environ. 40(11) (2005), pp. 1479–1491 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  29. C.R. Boardman and S.V. Glass, Investigating Wind-Driven Rain Intrusion In Walls with the CARWASh, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XII, Intl. Conf., ASHRAE, 11p.; (2013) [Google Scholar]
  30. M. A. Lacasse, M. Manning, M. Rousseau, S. M. Cornick, S. Plescia, M. Nicholls, S. Nunes, Results on Assessing the Effectiveness of Wall-Window Interface Details to Manage Rainwater; 11th Canadian Conference on Building Science & Technol., Banff, AB, 2007, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada. [Google Scholar]
  31. Lacasse, M. A.; Manning, M. M.; Ganapathy, G.; Rousseau, M. Z.; Cornick, S. M.; Bibee, D.; Shuler, D.; Hoffee, A. (2009), Assessing the effectiveness of wall-window interface details to manage rainwater - selected results from window installation to a wall, sheathed in extruded polystyrene, Journal of ASTM International, 6(9): pp. 1-43, [Google Scholar]
  32. C. Lopez, F. J. Masters & S. Bolton, Water penetration resistance of residential window & walls subjected to steady & unsteady wind loading, Bldg. & Environ. 46(2011): 1329-1342 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  33. N. Van Den Bossche & A. Janssens, Airtightness & watertightness of window frames: Comparison of performance & requirements, Bldg. & Environ. 110 (2016) 129-139 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  34. J. R. Sasaki, and R. E. Platts, Tests on vertical joints for a wood-panel wall system, Rain leakage tests on vertical through –joints, DBR/NRC Research Paper No. 337, Div. of Building Res., National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Oct., 1968; 4 p. [Google Scholar]
  35. M. A. Lacasse, H. Miyauchi and J. Hiemstra, (2009), "Water Penetration of Cladding Components—Results from Laboratory Tests on Simulated Sealed Vertical & Horizontal Joints of Wall Cladding," J. ASTM Intl., Vol. 6(6), pp. 1-21; (2009); DOI: 10.1520/JAI102048. ISSN 1546-962X [Google Scholar]
  36. Swinton, M., Lacasse, M. A., Armstrong, M., Saber, H., Mukhopadhyaya, P., Lohman, F., Maref, W., Kumaran, K., Ganapathy, G., Nicholls, M., Abdulghani, K. (2010), Moisture Management Assessment of the Adhered Stone Cladding System — Final Summary Report, Client Report; B-8145.6; September 1, 2010; Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa; 108 p. [Google Scholar]
  37. M. A. Lacasse and T. V. Moore, 2018, Approach to incorporating water entry and water loads to wall assemblies when completing hygrothermal modelling, ASTM Symposium on Building Science and the Physics of Building Enclosure Performance - Part 1, 21 October, Washington DC, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA; 30 p. [Google Scholar]

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