Open Access
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 180, 2018
13th International Conference Modern Electrified Transport – MET’2017
Article Number 01001
Number of page(s) 5
Section Modern Electrified Transport - Invited Papers
Published online 27 July 2018
  1. SIMENS Corporation, eHighway - Solutions for electrified road freight transport, [Google Scholar]
  2. O.C. Onar, System Design and Experiment, in Wireless Power Transfer Systems, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo,: Part 2 (2013) [Google Scholar]
  3. P. Schito, F. Braghin,. Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Vehicles in Platoon, SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh., 63-71, (2012), doi:10.4271/2012-01-0175 [Google Scholar]
  4. S. Judek, K. Karwowski, Contactless electrical energy transfer system via magnetically coupled air coils, (Gdańsk: Wydaw. PG, 2013. - ISBN 978-83-7348-501-3) [Google Scholar]
  5. A. Szeląg, Z. Drążek, T. Maciołek, Power supply systems of urban electric traction (IN-W “Spatium”, Radom, 2017) [in Polish: Elektroenergetyka miejskiej trakcji elektrycznej] [Google Scholar]
  6. K-Y. Liang, Fuel Efficient Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platoon Formation, (PhD thesis, KTH Stockholm, Sweden, 2016) [Google Scholar]
  7. N. Lyamin, Q. Deng, A. Vinel, Study of the Platooning Fuel Efficiency under ETSI ITS-G5 Communications, IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), (2016) [Google Scholar]
  8. T. Maciołek, A. Szeląg, Power supply of electric cars, Polish patent application PL-418194, (2016) [in Polish: System zasilania samochodów elektrycznych] [Google Scholar]
  9. Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule “LA4” The UN/ECE Regulation 53 refers to the EPA UDDS, Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule (HWFET) [Google Scholar]
  10. T-E. Stamati, P. Bauer, On-road charging of Electric Vehicles, Proceedings of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, 1-8 (2013) [Google Scholar]

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