Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 106, 2017
International Science Conference SPbWOSCE-2016 “SMART City”
Article Number 06009
Number of page(s) 9
Section 6 Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
Published online 23 May 2017
  1. Russian Federal Law 185 «On Fund Promoting Housing and Communal Services Reformation» [Google Scholar]
  2. Yu.S. Vitchikov, I.G. Beliakov, E.N. Nokhrina, Urban Construction and Architecture 3, 103–110 (2014). doi:10.17673/Vestnik.2014.03.18. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  3. Russian Standard 53778 – 2010. [Google Scholar]
  4. Russian Federal Law 190 «Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation» [Google Scholar]
  5. Russian Federal Law 188 «Housing Code of the Russian Federation» of 29.12.2004 (edition from 31.01.2016) [Google Scholar]
  6. Resolution 47 of the Russian Government «Regulation on the Recognition of the Premises as Residential Premises, Residential Premises Unfit » of 28.01.2006 [Google Scholar]
  7. Resolution 25 of the Russian Government «Rules of Using Living Quarters» of 21.01.2006 [Google Scholar]
  8. Resolution 491 of the Russian Government «Rules of Operating Common Property of Apartment Buildings» of 13.08.2006 [Google Scholar]
  9. Russian Federal Law 261 «On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvements and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation» of 23.11.2009 [Google Scholar]
  10. Russian Federal Law 384 «Technical Regulation on Safety of Buildings and Constructions» of 30.12.2009 [Google Scholar]
  11. V.V. Saburov, S.Ya. Galitskov, A.N. Aleshin, Urban Construction and Architecture 4, 107–110 (2014). doi:10.17673/Vestnik.2014.04.16. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  12. Russian Standard 23-101–2004. [Google Scholar]
  13. Russian Standard 50.13330.2012. [Google Scholar]
  14. Resolution 18 of the Russian Government «Rules for Establishing Energy Efficiency Requirements for Buildings, Structures and, Constructions» of 25.01.2011 [Google Scholar]
  15. Requirements 18 to the Rules Determining the Class of Energy Efficiency of Apartment Buildings, approved by Resolution of the Russian Government of 25.01.2011 [Google Scholar]
  16. Order 262 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the RF «On the Requirements of Energy Efficiency of Buildings and Constructions» of 28.05.2010 [Google Scholar]

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