Issue |
MATEC Web of Conf.
Volume 399, 2024
2024 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electronics, Electrical and Green Energy (AEEGE 2024)
Article Number | 00017 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 June 2024 |
Study on electromagnetic interference and shielding efficiency of power grid on-line elimination equipment
1 State Grid Handan Power Supply Company, Handan 056004 China
2 Hebei Smart Grid Power Distribution Operation and Maintenance Technology Innovation Center, Handan 056004 China
The robot-based automatic power grid defect elimination device represents the future direction of power grid inspection and defect elimination devices. However, the presence of strong electromagnetic interference in the vicinity of power grids poses potential risks to the application of automatic defect elimination devices. This study initially conducts theoretical analysis and calculations to analyse the spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields around 220kV 100MW high-voltage lines in a power grid. The results indicate that electric field intensity can exceed 70kV/m in areas near these high-voltage lines. Subsequently, electromagnetic fields within the operational range of the elimination device are simulated and analysed, leading to selection and optimization of shielding materials and structures. When non-metallic insulating materials are used, equipment is fully exposed to the power grid’s electromagnetic field, making internal devices susceptible to interference; however, employing metal aluminum materials achieves better shielding effects. A continuous metal shielding layer effectively shields against electric fields, while openings or gaps in the shell lead to deteriorated shielding performance. These findings demonstrate that appropriate selection of shielding materials and suitable structural design are crucial factors for achieving excellent shielding effects. To ensure both safety and efficient electromagnetic shielding, a multi-layer composite shielding structure is necessary for power grid elimination devices. Overall, these analysis results provide valuable guidance for designing, operating, and maintaining such devices.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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