Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 353, 2021
4th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Machinery, Electronics (AMME 2021)
Article Number | 01013 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 December 2021 |
Calculation Method for Load-Carrying Capacity of Circular Reinforced Con
State Nuclear Electric Power Planning, Design & Research Institute CO., LTD., Beijing, China
* Corresponding author:
Finite element method and fiber model method were used to calculate the load-carrying capacity of the specimens. Based on the experimental and theoretical analysis, simplified calculation method of the load-carrying capacity for this kind of member is proposed. It indicates that finite element method result is relatively small, fiber model method result accords well with the experimental result. Circular reinforced concrete members covered with steel tube presents both the characteristics of reinforced concrete and concrete filled steel tube member, showing higher load-carrying capacity and greater deformability. The load-carrying capacity of circular reinforced concrete members covered with steel tube can be calculated by the means of the method of reinforced concrete member with confined concrete. The result predicted by the simplified method is in good agreement with the experimental result.
Key words: Reinforced concrete members covered with steel tube / circular section / load-carrying capacity
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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