Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 337, 2021
PanAm-Unsat 2021: 3rd Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils
Article Number | 02009 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Constitutive and Numerical Modeling | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 April 2021 |
A constitutive model for hydromechanically coupled behavior of unsaturated soils with hydraulic hysteresis
1 Istanbul Technical University, Disaster Management Institute, 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
2 Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
* Corresponding author:
There are several constitutive models developed for understanding coupled hydromechanical behavior of three phase medium of unsaturated soils as well as models for explaining hydraulic hysteresis in water retention. However, very few attempts that merge the two aspects of behavior are available. This study develops a one-way coupled model for understanding the hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. In addition to the hysteresis between main drying and wetting retention curves, the model considers non-uniqueness of retention behavior resulting from void ratio changes due to compression under the stress application. As for the elastoplastic stress strain relationship of soil skeleton, the model is based on the formulation of classical plasticity relying on the critical state concept. Consequently, volumetric deformation due to wetting-drying cycles and its effect on elastoplastic behavior through simultaneously changing matric suction is modeled. Model results are calibrated with the results of isotropic compression stages of triaxial tests at both constant suction and constant water content conditions.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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