Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 283, 2019
The 2nd Franco-Chinese Acoustic Conference (FCAC 2018)
Article Number | 03004 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Acoustic and Elastic Wave Scattering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 June 2019 |
Study on Doppler characteristics of underwater bistatic reverberation
1 Science and Technology on Sonar Laboratory, 310023, Hangzhou, China
2 Hangzhou Applied Acoustics Research Institute, 310023, Hangzhou, China
* Corresponding author:
Active sonar has two typical types of geometry configuration respectively named monostatic and bistatic like a radar system. In the monostatic scenario, co-located underwater transducers transmit and receive sound energy, while in a bistatic situation the transducers are physically separated. Both object detection and identification can be significantly enhanced through utilization of the additional dimension provided by a bistatic geometry. So, more people care about bistatic scattering characteristics of underwater objects as well as bistatic reverberation in recent years. In this paper, Doppler characteristics of bistatic reverberation generated by moving transmitter and receiver are studied. Theoretical formulism for receiving frequency of bistatic reverberation is derived in case of a tone signal being transmitted. Further analysis shows bistatic reverberation is more complicated than monostatic reverberation when Doppler is concerned. In monostatic case, the Doppler frequency shift of reverberation relates to centre frequency of the tone signal, velocity of the transmitter as well as the arriving direction. While in bistatic situation, it varies not only with the above factors, but also the locations, moving directions, velocities of both transmitter and receiver, and also the arriving time of the reverberation, which makes extraction and utilization of Doppler information more difficult.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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