Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 272, 2019
2018 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering (ICFMCE 2018)
Article Number | 01001 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 March 2019 |
Effect of surface treatment by sandblasting on the quality and electrochemical corrosion properties of a C-1020 carbon steel used by an Algerian oil company
Department of chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, 20 Août 1955 university-Route d’El Hadaiek, B.P 26, Skikda - Algeria
* Corresponding author:
The purpose of the different operations under the term surface preparation is to get a clean surface able to be coated. It is essential to adapt this preparation in terms of the metallurgical nature of the substrate, cleanliness, its shape and roughness. Surface preparations especially the operations of sandblasting, polishing, or grinding prove of capital importance. It allows to modify the superficial properties of these materials, after these treatments the surface becomes very active. This paper evaluates the mechanical surface treatments effect by sandblasting (Sa 1.5 and Sa 2.5) on the electrochemical corrosion characteristics of C-1020 carbon steel in 3% NaCl solution electrolyte simulating aggressive sea atmosphere. Investigations are conducted using stationary (free potential "E-t, polarization curves "E-i", the Tafel rights and the Rp) and nonstationary electrochemical tools such as electrochemical impedance. The results obtained allowed us to highlight that sandblasted carbon steel degrades with immersion time because of the roughness of the surface. These results were confirmed by the plot of the electrochemical impedance diagrams, confirming that the process governing kinetics is under charge transfer control. Good protection against corrosion cannot be obtained only with a good surface preparation of the adapted steel.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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