Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 230, 2018
7th International Scientific Conference “Reliability and Durability of Railway Transport Engineering Structures and Buildings” (Transbud-2018)
Article Number | 02023 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Structures, Buildings and Facilities | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 November 2018 |
Methodology remaining lifetime determination of the building structures
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Chernishevska str., 94, 61023 Kharkov, Ukraine
Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Onoprienko str., 8, 18034 Cherkassy, Ukraine
* Corresponding author:
The paper proposes an approach to determining the increase of the normative lifetime of building structures on the basis of the algorithm of numerical calculation of the residual life of structures, which is performed on the basis of the results of defining parameters obtained during the technical examination and evaluation of defects, failures and structural damage. To calculate the structures, the simulation of the stressstrain state of the building structures with the involvement of OK LIRA was used. Simulation allowed performing optimization of technical solutions and strengthening of structures for buildings. The methodology is used to design elements for strengthening the structures of buildings and structures. Reliable estimation and forecasting of the technical condition enables to prevent the occurrence of accidents of structures and their associated losses, to use rational use of funds for current and capital repairs, and to regulate the technical condition in such a way as to achieve the most effective use of fixed assets.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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