Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 215, 2018
The 2nd International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Society and Science-to-Business (ICTIS 2018)
Article Number | 02011 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Science to Business | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 October 2018 |
Quality Analysis Of Organic Rice Variety Mentik Susu And Sintanur Nutritional Approach
State Polytechnic of Lampung, Departement Economics and Business
Lampung University, Departement Agribusiness
Lampung University, Departement Agricultural Technology
Organic rice production in Indonesia is increasing due to the tendency of consumers who start to consume healthy food and one of them is organic rice. Varieties cultivated by farmers in Lampung Province is mentik susu and sintanur based on high yields and climate suitability. The quality of organic rice can be known through nutritional approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze quality comparison of organic rice of mentik susu and sintanur varieties with nutritional approach. The research methodology used is laboratory research. Data analysis methods used to answer the objective of a proximate test to determine the nutrient content of organic rice in both varieties of mentik susu and sintanur. Nutritional content that is cultivated is carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water, fiber, and ash content. The result of the analysis shows that carbohydrate, protein, and nutrient content of organic rice of mentik susu variety was higher than sintanur varieties. While the fat content, water content, and ash content of organic rice varieties mentik susu is lower than the sintanur varieties. In general it can be concluded that the quality of organic rice varieties mentik susu better than sintanur varieties.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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