Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 212, 2018
2018 International Scientific Conference “Investment, Construction, Real Estate: New Technologies and Special-Purpose Development Priorities” (ICRE 2018)
Article Number | 09014 | |
Number of page(s) | 13 | |
Section | Transformation of the Real Estate Market: Economic, Legal, and Management Aspects | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 2018 |
The application of statistical methods in the study of unprofitable organizations’ activities
Moscow University Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Named after V. J.Kikot, 107007, Okruzhnoy proezd, 4, Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125993, Leningradskiy prospect, 49, Moscow, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Unprofitable organizations rarely fall under the monitoring of the economic development of territorial entities. Rather, they are the object of study of forensic economic examination, appointed, for example, to establish the facts of false bankruptcy. Is the unprofitability identical to the failure of investment projects, and is it possible to put an equal sign between these categories and phenomena? Unprofitability of organizations is not always associated with criminal aspects or incompetent management. Often, the reasons can be so independent of managers that one just has to watch how a firm or business rolls down. These are economic reasons, for example, the appearance of powerful competitors-producers or substitute goods; this is also administrative reasons, caused by an imbalance in the relationship between business and government, the needs of officials and the “cashier” of entrepreneurs. In addition, a huge number of organizations, especially in mining and agrarian industries are planned loss-making: it relates to all industrially developed economies in the world. Thus, from the perspective of investment research, the question of their effectiveness and profitability is legitimate. The ratio of planned and unplanned unprofitability is a delicate matter, relative to the budget system. The problematic nature of these issues is manifested, both in theoretical and practical-management aspects. The adoption of any decisions on these issues is impossible without proper and adequate quantification of such a phenomenon in the economy, as the unprofitability of organizations. A comprehensive quantitative assessment is in the competence and theoretical and methodological field of statistical science. It is the application of statistical tools for the study of unprofitable organizations that this research is devoted to, as presented in the article
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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