Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 149, 2018
2nd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability (CMSS-2017)
Article Number | 01015 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Session 1 : Materials & Pathologies | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 February 2018 |
Non-Destructive Testing for Building Diagnostics and Monitoring: Experience Achieved with Case Studies
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Ankara, Turkey
Building inspection on site, in other words in-situ examinations of buildings is a troublesome work that necessitates the use of non-destructive investigation (NDT) techniques. One of the main concerns of non-destructive testing studies is to improve in-situ use of NDT techniques for diagnostic and monitoring studies. The quantitative infrared thermography (QIRT) and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) measurements have distinct importance in that regard. The joint use of QIRT and ultrasonic testing allows in-situ evaluation and monitoring of historical structures and contemporary ones in relation to moisture, thermal, materials and structural failures while the buildings themselves remain intact. For instances, those methods are useful for detection of visible and invisible cracks, thermal bridges and damp zones in building materials, components and functional systems as well as for soundness assessment of materials and thermal performance assessment of building components. In addition, those methods are promising for moisture content analyses in materials and monitoring the success of conservation treatments or interventions in structures. The in-situ NDT studies for diagnostic purposes should start with the mapping of decay forms and scanning of building surfaces with infrared images. Quantitative analyses are shaped for data acquisition on site and at laboratory from representative sound and problem areas in structures or laboratory samples. Laboratory analyses are needed to support in-situ examinations and to establish the reference data for better interpretation of in situ data. Advances in laboratory tests using IRT and ultrasonic testing are guiding for in-situ materials investigations based on measurable parameters. The knowledge and experience on QIRT and ultrasonic testing are promising for the innovative studies on today’s materials technologies, building science and conservation/maintenance practices. Such studies demand a multi-disciplinary approach that leads to bring together knowledge on materials science and building science.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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