Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 147, 2018
The Third International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment (SIBE 2017)
Article Number | 07005 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Geothechnical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 January 2018 |
Assessment of Bridge Substructure in Java Island
Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Indonesia
Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Eengineering Department, University of Indonesia
* Corresponding author:,
Bridges play important roles in transportation system. Hazard to substructure of bridges become amplified. Based on previous year data, at least one-third of total bridges in Indonesia are damaged in certain level of defect. The performance of existing bridges shall be in-check everytime. Substructure of bridge itself is prone to hazards such as ground displacement, slope instability, seismic-related hazard and scour. Traffic data and soil investigation data will be used to analyse ground displacement and slope instability where the bridge located. Local geological and seismic data will be used to assess seismic-related hazard. Quantitative data is technical information and analyses from geotechnical aspects. Qualitative data is an expert system collected from bridge expert and local goverment. The expert system will have a rating system for each aspect. Fuzzy-based method is an effective tool for modeling some vague datas and this ease the decision-making process. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) will be used to analyses geotechnical aspect and expert system. Hazard identification, risk rating, risk analysis, and risk assessment are steps conducted in FAHP method. Classification and rating of risk can be done with proposed method. This assessment can be a tool or recommendation for local government where the bridge located.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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