Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 147, 2018
The Third International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment (SIBE 2017)
Article Number | 04001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Water and Waste Engineering and Management | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 January 2018 |
Development of audit technology approach for performance improvement of faecal sludge treatment plant (IPLT) (Case study: IPLT Bawang in Tangerang City and IPLT Pecuk in Indramayu District)
Research Institute for Housing and Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl. Panyawungan Cileunyi Wetan Kabupaten Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute Technology Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
One of the infrastructure to support the achievement of the 100% sanitation target is IPLT. The development of audit technology approach needed for performance improvement of IPLT. The objectives of this research are to determine the weight of components technology priority that have affect to IPLT, assessing the achievement of performance in IPLT Bawang and IPLT Pecuk, and to determine the priority of performance improvement strategy in study area. This research consist of descriptive analysis about public sanitation condition in the study area by distributing questionnaires, scoring method analysis of IPLT technology components using pairwise comparison method to determine main priority of technology component, performance analysis of IPLT Bawang and IPLT Pecuk using audit technology approach, and determining strategy of IPLT performance improvement. The weight of technology components that affect the performance of IPLT are humanware with weight 0,35, orgaware with weight 0,29, technoware with weights 0,24 and infoware with weight 0,13. The value of performance achievement IPLT Pecuk is 60,2% and IPLT Bawang is 58,1%. The priority of performance improvement strategy in IPLT Bawang are improvement strategies of humanware, technoware, infoware and orgaware, meanwhile in IPLT Pecuk are improvement strategies of technoware component, humanware, orgaware and infoware.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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