Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 128, 2017
2017 International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE 2017)
Article Number | 05006 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Electromechanical Technologies | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 October 2017 |
The baffle influence on sound radiation characteristics of a plate
Naval University of Engineering, 430033 Wuhan, China
a Corresponding author:
The acoustic radiation characteristics of the baffle plates and unbaffle plates are calculated and compared by single-layer potential and double-layer potential. Based on the boundary integral equation, the sound pressure integral equation of the baffle and the baffle are deduced respectively. According to the boundary compatibility condition, the sound pressure and the vibration velocity of the plates are obtained. Further, the dynamic equation of the structure is substituted into the vibration equation in the form of the baffle plate and the baffle plate. The sound pressure difference and the displacement of a plate surface are in the form of the vibration mode superposition and the acoustic radiation impedance of the double integral form is obtained, which determines vibration mode coefficient and sound radiation parameters. The effect of the baffle on the acoustic radiation characteristics of the thin plate is analyzed by comparing the acoustic radiation parameters with the simple and simple rectangular plate in water.
© The authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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