Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 121, 2017
8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2017 “Trends in New Industrial Revolution”
Article Number | 11006 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Safety and Health at Work | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 August 2017 |
The impact of occupational risks in the operating and maintenance activities in the energy sector
1 INCDPM „Alexandru Darabont”, Electrical and Mechanical Risks Laboratory, 35A Blvd, Bucharest, Romania
2 INCDPM „Alexandru Darabont”, Certification Body, 35A Blvd, Bucharest, Romania
3 University of Petrosani, Department of Control Engineering, Computers, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, 20 Universitatii St., Petrosani, Romania
4 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 5 Gabriel Bethlen St., Alba Iulia, Romania
* Corresponding author:
This paper presents a synthesis of studies in electrical installations from the energy sector, relating to occupational hazards, in terms of history of operations, maintenance, including situations that arose after some events that involved accidents at work and occupational diseases. Over the years, the energy sector has undergone a number of changes to the organizational level, modernization of electrical installations and implementations of new technologies and working procedures. As a result of these changes, has increased, over time, the level of safety of electrical installations, as well as the activities carried out by the operating and maintenance personnel that requires a high degree of training, as determined by the responsibilities assigned by job descriptions and procedures and as a result of physical and psychological stress to which the worker is subject during carrying out the activity. The research study aims to highlight the safety measures and health needed to be taken and their effectiveness to mitigate risks in the energy sector, in order to manage, more effectively, the work carried out by the operating and maintenance personnel of electrical installations, in order to ensure the healthy workplaces and to fulfil the occupational management objectives.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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