Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 117, 2017
RSP 2017 – XXVI R-S-P Seminar 2017 Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering
Article Number | 00156 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 July 2017 |
Non-stationary axially symmetric goal of thermo-elasticity for a fixed rigid circular multi-layer plate
Samara State Technical University, Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 194, Molodogvardeyskaya St., 443001, Samara, Russia
* Corresponding author:
This paper considers axially symmetric goal of thermos–elasticity for a fixed rigid circular multi-layer isotropic plate with non–stationary heat flows on its front faces. The mathematical model is presented in the form of a not self–adjoint system that includes differential motion equations and a linear equation of the thermal-elastic state in a three-dimensional model. A new closed solution in an unconnected setting is built by the method of finite integral transformation. At the same time, a standardization procedure is conducted at each stage of the solution, which allows to implement an appropriate conversion algorithm. The calculated ratios provide an opportunity to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the associated temperature and mechanical fields and also to examine stress–strain behaviour of the multi–layer systems both under the local thermal shock, which is observed, for example, in the interaction with the laser beam and in the case of uneven unsteady surface heating, which is frequent during the operation of protective construction structures.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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