Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 105, 2017
International Workshop on Transportation and Supply Chain Engineering (IWTSCE’16)
Article Number | 00013 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 April 2017 |
Airline Schedule Disruption Management. The impact of flight delays on connection loss
LIMSAD, Hassan II University, Faculty of Science, Casablanca
* Corresponding author:
Air travel demand is important and many travellers choose to drive to larger airports instead of flying from a small airport for many reasons, especially availability of non-stop flights. Another reason is perceived reliability of service. Consultants have pointed to a large number of delays and cancellations as reasons for low passenger. However, the effect of these flight delays on actual travel times is less clear. Because connections are usually necessary when traveling from small airports, departure delays may lead to missed connections. In the case of a cancellation, need to wait several hours (often overnight) for the next flight due to the small number of daily departures. This paper evaluate the impact of delays and cancellations on the profit earned through the seats captured on new opened routes. This aspect of decision-making comes in the form of multi-objective problem by testing the impact of a new opened route in terms of flight delays costs, financial gain and the quality of the service provided to a target customer. The NSGA-II algorithm is adopted to generate a front of Pareto-optimal compound of a number of optimal departure times to the new destination while ensuring the best fill rate, and a minimum flight delays. The experiences are based on the flights of the Royal Air Maroc Company on the Casablanca hub.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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