Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 103, 2017
International Symposium on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016 (ISCEE 2016)
Article Number | 06009 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Water and Wastewater Treatment Process | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 April 2017 |
Optimization of pH in Ammonia, Heavy Metals, and Chlorophyll-a Removal by using Electric Arc Furnace Slag and Activated Carbon Cassava Peel
Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia
* Corresponding author:
The wastewater contain high concentrations of inorganic and organic pollutant and that could be toxic to aquatic life and may lead to toxic environment of the water bodies. The poolutants able to accumulate in living tissues, causing various illnesses. In this study, parameters that affected the removal of heavy metals, ammonia (NH4-N) and chlorophyll-a were investigated in a synthetic water of mixed metals, NH4-N, and alga synthetic solution. The removal was strongly affected by pH by using activated carbon cassava peel (CPAC) and Electric Arc Furnace Slag (EAFS) as media For CPAC, optimum condition for removing heavy metals, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a can be achieved at pH 7.5 where removal up to 95% for heavy metals, 49.2% for NH4-N and 56.8% for chlorophylla. While for EAFS, the optimum condition for removing heavy metals, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a can be achieved at pH 7.5 where removal up to 93% for heavy metals, 77.7% for NH4-N and 80.7% for chlorophyll-a. In order to obtain the maximum removal of heavy metals, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a, two conditions obtaining CPAC and EAFS were considered. The optimum condition for removing heavy metals, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a by 1/3 CPAC + 2/3 EAFS was pH 7.5 as well where removal up to 95% for heavy metals, 86.2% for NH4-N and 90.9% for chlorophylla. By using 1/3 EAFS + 2/3 CPAC, the optimum removal of heavy metals, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a was at pH 7.5 where removal up to 96% for heavy metals, 80.7% for NH4-N and 86.4% for chlorophyll-a. This study highlighted that EAFS and CPAC peel are promising method in removing Zn, Al, Fe ions, NH4-N and chlorophyll-a from aqueous solution.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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