Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 77, 2016
2016 3rd International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2016)
Article Number | 01016 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Design and Study on Machinery | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 October 2016 |
A Coupled Helicopter Rotor/Fuselage Dynamics Model Using Finite Element Multi-body
Science and Technology on Rotorcraft Aeromechanics Laboratory, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jingdezhen, 333001, China
To develop a coupled rotor/flexible fuselage model for vibration reduction studies, the equation of coupled rotor-fuselage is set up based on the theory of multi-body dynamics, and the dynamic analysis model is established with the software MSC.ADMAS and MSC.NASTRAN. The frequencies and vibration acceleration responses of the system are calculated with the model of coupled rotor-fuselage, and the results are compared with those of uncoupled modeling method. Analysis results showed that compared with uncoupled model, the dynamic characteristic obtained by the model of coupled rotor-fuselage are some different. The intrinsic frequency of rotor is increased with the increase of rotational velocities. The results also show that the flying speed has obvious influence on the vibration acceleration responses of the fuselage. The vibration acceleration response in the vertical direction is much higher at the low speed and high speed flight conditions.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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