Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 67, 2016
International Symposium on Materials Application and Engineering (SMAE 2016)
Article Number | 06018 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Chapter 6 Materials Science | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 July 2016 |
The Effect of Process Condition on the Structure and Optical Properties of Zn/Fe/Sn/Sb-TiO2 Three Dimensional Particle-Electrode
1 School of Opt-electric Information Technology, Yantai University Yantai China 264005
2 School of Environment and Material Engineering, Yantai University Yantai China 264005
In this experiment, photocatalysic material ,which is magnetic, photoluminesce and has superior light absorbing mesoporous, was synthesized by sol-gel method with tetrabutyl titanate, zinc acetate, stannic chloride , antimonic chloride and ferric nitrate as precursors, and tri-blocked copolymer F127 as the template.Based on the experiment results, when the annealing temperature is at 550°C, the annealing time is 120min , the doping amount of Zn is 4.0at%. These produced samples were shown to have superior luminescence and UV-vis light absorbance. When the weight of template was set to 1.5g, the obtained photocatalysic materials, indicated that their porous mainly distributed within 1.2nm to 4.7nm and their specific surface areas were larger than 110m2/g, and had excellent absorption properties.
Key words: Three Dimensional Particle-Electrode / Process Condition / Structure / Optical Properties
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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