Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 57, 2016
4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering & Technology (ICAET-2016)
Article Number | 01026 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Electronic & Electrical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 May 2016 |
Transient Stability Improvement of IEEE 9 Bus System Using Power World Simulator
Department of Electrical Engineering, Bhai Gurdas Institue of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, India
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The improvement of transient stability of power system was one of the most challenging research areas in power engineer.The main aim of this paper was transient stability analysis and improvement of IEEE 9 bus system. These studies were computed using POWER WORLD SIMULATOR. The IEEE 9 bus system was modelled in power world simulator and load flow studies were performed to determine pre-fault conditions in the system using Newton-Raphson method. The transient stability analysis was carried out using Runga method during three-phase balanced fault. For the improvement transient stability, the general methods adopted were fast acting exciters, FACT devices and addition of parallel transmission line. These techniques play an important role in improving the transient stability, increasing transmission capacity and damping low frequency oscillations.
Key words: Transient stability / power system stability / three-phase fault / FACTS / Power world simulator / steady state
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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