Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 55, 2016
2016 Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2016)
Article Number | 04004 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Electrical Machine and Drives | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 April 2016 |
Chaos Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization Based Water Level Control for Nuclear Steam Generator
School of Electrical Engineering, Suihua University, Suihua, China
College of Physics Science and Technology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
a Corresponding author:
The Stability of SG (Steam Generator) water level plays an important role in the safety of nuclear power plants, but it is difficult to tune the parameters of water level PID controller. A proposed novel algorithm, CCPSO (chaos cooperative particle swarm optimization), is used for tuning PID controller parameters. The (chaos particle swarm optimization)CPSO algorithm has the ability to avoid falling into local minimum and the (cooperative particle swarm optimization)CPSO-Sk has fast convergence in certain functions, so CCPSO algorithm is proposed to utilize the advantages of CPSO and CPSO-Sk. Therefore, half of the particles are updated in the CPSO-Sk, and the other half are updated in the CPSO. The information exchange of the optimal solutions obtained after the end of each iteration is the performance of CPSO-Sk and CPSO collaboration.The simulation results: compared with the PID controller whose parameters are tuned by ZN method, CCPSO show smaller overshoot, better stability, and shorter adjustment time. The simulation results show that the proposed method is effective for tuning PID parameters.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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