Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 53, 2016
International Scientific Conference Week of Science in SPbPU – Civil Engineering (SPbWOSCE-2015)
Article Number | 01051 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Engineering and Technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 April 2016 |
Methods of Parametric Optimization of Thin-Walled Structures and Parameters which Influence on it
1 Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya st. 29, 195251, St. Petersburg, Russia
2 St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2-nd Krasnoarmeiskaya St. 4, 190005, St. Petersburg, Russia
a Corresponding author:
The question of efficiency of thin-walled structures contains a number of contradictions. You need to select the best from all the existing structures on the criteria of optimization options. The search is conducted by varying of the parameters at parametric optimization. As a rule the aim of building structure optimization is reducing of material consumption, the labor input and cost. The costs of a particular variant of construction most full describes the given cost. There are two types of optimization parameters - immutable and varying. The result of the optimization of thin-walled beams will be a combination of parameters for each design situation in which provides the required strength and the minimum of the objective function - factory cost of production
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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