Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 46, 2016
2nd International Seminar for Fire Safety of Facades
Article Number | 05010 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Facade Systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 May 2016 |
Fire behaviour of EPS ETICS on concrete or masonry facades
Paris, France
In France, fire safety of facades for establishments open to the public has been governed by the Technical Instruction n∘249 since 1982; its current version was made regulatory on May 24th, 2010. Considering this revision, the Ministry of Interior requested industrials firms to revalidate the fire behaviour of their external insulation systems through testing. AFIPEB, SIPEV and SNMI decided therefore to launch a test campaign. After a preliminary analysis of Single Burning Item (SBI) data related to EPS ETICS and some full-scale orientation tests, the polyvalent, representative and reliable LEPIR 2 test protocol was implemented. Three EPS ETICS configurations under various renders were tested: one under thick hydraulic renders, another under thin mixed renders and a third under thin organic renders. These tests were successful. For the first 30 minutes of each test: there was no ignition nor vertical spread of fire to the facade at its second level, there was also no lateral spread of fire along the facade width. Moreover, after 60 minutes, the outer skin above the horizontal line at 5.2 m was not damaged. The campaign confirms that EPS ETICS under thin, thick or mixed renders perfectly comply with fire safety regulations. AFIPEB, SIPEV and SNMI wrote a recommendation guide based on approved laboratories assessment. It describes construction solutions limiting fire propagation on a concrete or masonry facade insulated by EPS ETICS. This guide currently supplements IT 249 (2010).
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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