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Simultaneous Energy Management and Speed Control in a Hybrid Tractor With Experimental Validation
Stefano Radrizzani, Giulio Panzani and Sergio M. Savaresi IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 32(4) 1285 (2024)
Inclined Obstacle Recognition and Ranging Method in Farmland Based on Improved YOLOv8
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Agriculture Electrification, Emerging Technologies, Trends and Barriers: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Optimization of the Electronic Control Unit of Electric-Powered Agricultural Vehicles
Ionuț Vasile, Emil Tudor, Ion-Cătălin Sburlan, Mihai-Gabriel Matache and Mario Cristea World Electric Vehicle Journal 14(10) 267 (2023)
Agile Development of Polymer Power Transmission Systems for e-Mobility—A Novel Methodology Based on an e-Bike Drive Case Study